The French color posters can be used in different ways. The full-page version is suitable for classroom display, while the smaller version works well in a writing center. Additionally, you can print multiple pages per page to construct a personal reference page for your students.
In order to make printing easier for you, I’ve included a table of contents with links to each of the poster sets. So if you want to print the small version of feminine posters, simply click on the link, and it will bring you to that set and print. No scrolling!
French colour posters with realistic images – Les affiches de couleurs include the following colours:
• rouge
• orange
• jaune
• vert/verte/vert(e)
• bleu/bleue/bleu(e)
• violet/violette/violet(te)
• mauve
• rose
• blanc/blanche/blanc(he)
• noir/noire/noir(e)
• gris/grise/gris(e)
• brun/brune/brun(e)
• marron
I love putting magnets on the back of these “affiches de couleurs,” so my students can take a poster to their workspace if they need reminders on how to write the colour words. The realistic images on the posters are beautiful and represent the colour word.
Prep is quick and easy! Simply print, laminate and cut. You could also add magnets to the backs so students can easily take them down and use them as a reference.
Here are some other possible ways you can use these “Affiches de couleurs” posters :
- Word Wall or bulletin board displays
- Writing Centres
- Personal Dictionaries
- Splat! Vocabulary Game
- Mme/Mr a perdu!
- Oral Communication Games like Memory, etc. (print 2 copies)
The best part is this resource is low-prep and so versatile. Your students will love the games you can play with these cards, which are perfect to use as visual reinforcements for French colours. These Realistic French Colour Posters have the color word written in clear and easy-to-read fonts.
Check out the Preview above for a closer look at these fantastic French posters.
Enjoy these French “Affiches de couleurs” posters! Don’t forget to follow my store and rate this product for your TPT credits.
Copyright © Mme Allison’s Bilingual Resources
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
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