French Personal Spelling Dictionary – MON DICTIONNAIRE PERSONNEL

Don’t have the space for a French word wall in your classroom? This French Personal 

Spelling Dictionary will support your core French or French Immersion students in accessing French vocabulary during independent writing tasks. Mon dictionnaire personnel provides beginner French students with the space to record frequently used or difficult words.



This “mon dictionnaire personnel” is perfect for your students when they are working on their English to French independent writing tasks. There is space for your students to write words in French and English, or what I’ve have also done is asked them to draw a picture instead of the English translation.

My students absolutely love using their French Personal Spelling Dictionaries during their independant writing tasks. They love how they can make it their own. 

Easy to differentiate for ALL learners, this personal French dictionary includes:

  • Full-page and half-page booklet with printing instructions
  • 3 simple sentence reference pages – des phrases utiles
  • Question words – les interrogations 
  • Reference pages with pictures when possible: 
    • days of the week
    • Months of the year
    • seasons
    • weather 
    • colors 
    • shapes (les formes et les solides) 
    • numbers (0-25, 30-100 counting by tens, 1000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000)
    • pets
    • sports
    • body parts 
    • emotions
    • prepositions
    • adjectives
    • antonyms
    • verbs/ action words
  • Conjugated verb references including; avoir, être, aller, faire, les verbes en ER (aimer), les verbes en IR (finir) and les verbes en RE (prendre) are all conjugated au présent de l’indicatif, à l’imparfait, au passé composé, et au future simple
  • Reference page on how to conjugate ER, IR, RE verbs in the present tense
  • Mini sound wall (consonnents and vowel sounds) with mouth shapes and example words for each sound 
  • One page for each letter of the alphabet for your students to fill in with words that they need  

Here are some other possible ways you can use this French Personal Spelling Dictionary:

  • Print out a few copies for your writing center, students or you can add words as they are learned. It can be your personal class dictionary!

The best part is, “mon dictionnaire personnel” can be easily differentiated and can be customized to fit your class’ needs. Print out the pages that could be useful for your particular class and you culd add in some important words for your students before printing your class set. 

You could also decide wether your students can add the English translation or draw a picture in that space. There are plenty of options to meet your and your French students’ needs.

Teachers like you said:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Melissa K. says, “Easy to use resource that has been a game-changer in allowing my students to independently access vocabulary for their writing tasks. Thanks!”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Madalina G. says, “I love this personal dictionary. It has absolutely everything you need and has saved me much time trying to put things together for my classes. Thank you so much!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Miranda M. says, “Very well organized and the students use it own their own easily.” 

Check out the Preview above for a closer look at this amazing French Personal Spelling Dictionary.

Enjoy this ‘mon dictionnaire personnel” resource! Don’t forget to follow my store and rate this product for your TPT credits.

Here are some other French vocabulary resources:

French Sound Wall – French Phonics Posters with Real Pictures MUR DE SONS

French Action Words Vocabulary Cards French Word Wall – Mur de Mots: Les verbes

Trouve l’image d’école French Boom Cards


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